Christopher Beth

Founder/The Bucket Ministry

Christopher Beth was a business consultant accompanying his daughter on a mission trip to the Brazilian Amazon in 2012 when a woman handed him a dirty cup of water taken straight from the river. Hearing the Lord say to him, “Help them,” he returned home with a conviction to follow God's calling. Upon his return from Brazil,  his team were introduced to the Sawyer PointONE filter. Using the same technology as kidney dialysis, the Sawyer PointONE filter removes all harmful bacteria, protozoa, and cysts like E. coli, Giardia, Cholera, and Typhoid once water passes through its membrane. Equipped with these filters and enough buckets to drain the Red Sea, they returned to Brazil, administered medicinal aid, distributed the buckets and filters, and, most importantly—delivered the Gospel of Jesus Christ to any heart willing to receive it.  Chris founded The Bucket Ministry (TBM), a non-profit organization working to share God’s love through the gift of clean, safe, drinking water.


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