Steve Feazel
Steve is a retried ordained minister who has produced three award winning, faith based documentaries on the topics of pornography (Every Young Man’s Battle), abstinence (Yellow Roses) and abortion (A Voice for Life). He wrote a novel for middle school age kids, The Clock and the Prophecy where two kids bring back Ben Franklin via a magical clock. He coauthored a book with Dr. Carol Swain, Abduction: How Liberalism Steals Our Children's Hearts and Minds. He has also coauthored a book with Mike Huckabee entitled The Three Cs that Made America Great: Christianity, Capitalism and the Constitution. He has experience in state government and was a speech writer for a candidate for Congress. He is an active writer, speaker and clean stand-up comedian. He holds the following degrees: BA – Olivet Nazarene, M. Div. – Nazarene Theological Seminary and MBA – Arizona State.