Ali Landry
After winning Miss USA, Ali Landry was featured in the Iconic Doritos commercial which is still to this day the most memorable Super Bowl commercial of all time. This commercial launched her into a successful career as an actress, television host and brand ambassador being touted as one of People’s, ‘Most Beautiful’!
With great business success, Ali is most proud, however, of her 17- year marriage and 3 beautiful children.
Not long ago, Ali was experiencing exhaustion, brain fog, hair thinning, slow digestion, low sex drive, mild moments of depression and sleepless nights. She was not about to settle into this and decided to figure it out and reshape her health. This journey was the inspiration for the launch of her RE/SHAPE lifestyle platform focused on overall wellness, lifestyle, beauty and fitness as it relates to your heart, mind, soul and health. Ali is committed to researching and curating the very best resources, products and services along with sharing her personal network of the most trusted specialists with women around the world. Reshape Your Life, Ali’s first book releases with with Harper Collins, March 2023. She is traveling nation-wide sharing her story and providing resources to women to encouraging them not to to settle, that it’s never to late to reshape your life, and that they are worth it!