Dr. Lois Lee
Dr. Lois Lee is the world’s leading expert in rescuing child sex trafficking victims. Dr. Lee holds a PhD in Sociology and Anthropology, a Juris Doctor in Law, and is an active member of the California State Bar. When she realized that these youngsters were “falling through the cracks” of the social service system she made it her mission to help, opening her home to more than 250 children over the next three years; thus was the founding of Children of the Night, where she continues to serve as President. Children of the Night is the first established and only comprehensive sex trafficking program in the world devoted to the development of specialized programs and education for prostituted children and young people who need critical intervention to become successful adults. Since 1979, Children of the Night has rescued over 12,000 American children from prostitution in the United States—that is more children than other sex trafficking programs combined.