LTC Allen B. West (Ret.)
Former Congressman
Allen West is a retired U.S. Army Lt. Col. He served Florida's 22nd District in Congress, and then served as Texas' GOP Chair. Now, he was born into an era of segregation, he was born in a blacks-only hospital, even. But his success story should be an inspiration to everyone. Two weeks ago, he TRIED to tell his story at the University of Buffalo - and had to be escorted off campus by police, as woke protesters mobbed the event. He's also joined The Patriot Academy as senior advisor. Its mission is to train and equip a new generation of Christians who engage with their communities through Biblical citizenship.
Learn more about Allen West and his great work by clicking the globe and social media icons to the left.
MOBBED by Woke Leftists! Allen B. West Tells the Story | Huckabee
MOBBED by Woke Leftists! Allen B. West Tells the Story | Huckabee